what we do
We offer a full end-to-end service to our customers, from supermarkets to garden centres to florists to consumers.
An experienced and professional approach
From day one, growing has been at our core and we are proud of our plants and how happy they make people. Over the years we have added many more strings to our bow and now offer a full end-to-end service to our customers, from supermarkets to garden centres to florists to consumers. Our vision is to be the best in the world at growing, sourcing and presenting ornamental plants for UK consumers.
Our proposition includes a range of plants and services that can be tailored to any customer’s needs.
Our plants
At our nursery in the UK we grow phalaenopsis orchids, foliage plants, chrysanthemums, kalanchoe and poinsettias. All these crops are grown in our sophisticated glasshouses, with automated environmental control to ensure consistently optimum conditions, all year around.
We grow approximately 3 million indoor houseplants a year.
Our Products
Most of our plants are supplied as part of an ‘added value’ product, from simple gift wraps to ceramic pots or glassware. We have a team of product designers who combine fashion, homeware and gifting trends with consumer insight to develop new concepts for our customers.
Our supply chain team work closely with manufacturers in the UK, Europe and Far East to source hardware from ethically accredited factories.
Plant Importing
We have an office in the Netherlands with a team of dedicated plant buyers who can source any plants directly from the best growers in Europe. Our team also manage the buying, phyto, QC inspections and exports of plants from the Netherlands to the UK.
Sourcing any plants directly from the best growers in Europe.
Order Fulfilment
At our nursery, in New Milton, we have a large packing team and several pack houses that can handle plants of any shape or size. We pack and dispatch plants every day of the week and are able to pack into cases for retailers or directly into courier boxes for online order fulfilment.
We have capacity, and capability, to hold plants and hardware for our customers and provide a full Quality Control service through the packing process.
our family
houseplant wholesale
Transforming houseplant wholesale in the UK by offering a fast and simple way to buy quality British plants directly from the grower. Learn more >
purchase orchids & houseplants
Over at Love Orchids, We’ve made it our mission to grow high-quality houseplants which you’ll love long-term. Learn more >